Sterling SwiftSterling SwiftSterling Swift
+92 (0) 51 873 1138
Sterling SwiftSterling SwiftSterling Swift

Consulting & Management


Sterling Swift currently runs the Field Support Services Project (FSSP) for the Canadian government in Pakistan. The FSSP provides support to the Government of Canada’s development assistance program in Pakistan. The aim of the FSSP is to provide access to local technical expertise, to provide support with sector research and policy analysis on issues identified by the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) development assistance program. Technical Specialists are tasked to provide high level technical advice, planning and monitoring of projects, review of project documents and to represent the government of Canada at high level meetings with government and social sector partners. Additionally, the Pakistan FSSP provides financial, administrative and logistical support to the government of Canada’s development program in Pakistan. This support from the FSSP helps ensure the program in Pakistan remains relevant and effective.
Some of the services we provide:

Administrative Services Financial Services Procurement Services Logistical Services Support to Local Development Initiatives
  • Recruitment / HR
  • Office space / Internet
  • Secretarial support
  • Advice on the structure of government and local culture
  • Hiring translators / interpreters
  • Databases of contacts
  • Electronic / physical filing
  • Maintenance of the office space, vehicles and equipment
  • Establishing an accounting, billing and reporting system
  • Timely processing of payments to technical specialists and suppliers of goods and services
  • To provide financial advice related to local laws, regulations and banking
  • Preparing budgets & forecasts
  • Monitoring and advice on local economic indicators
  • Fee and salary surveys on local remuneration scales for development project staff and professionals in Pakistan
  • Track and monitor project expenses
  • Financial management of contracts 
  • Financial due diligence and review development projects’ financial reports
  • Competitive selection of consultants / advisors / technical specialists
  • Preparing, negotiating and managing contracts
  • Administrative oversight of technical specialists
  • Maintain a consultant’s database
  • Develop TOR’s and Budgets
  • Procure project goods and services
  • Air and sea shipment
  • Evaluate suppliers
  • Develop a database of reliable suppliers
  • Market research on availability of goods and services
  • Preparing procurement plans
  • Hotel booking, travel arrangements, appointment scheduling
  • Event planning and management; such as seminars, meetings, round table consultations, training workshops, receptions
  • Booking meeting rooms / conference rooms
  • Video / teleconferencing facilities
  • Helping new projects set up offices / accommodation
  • Help with Government permits / NOC’s / duty free procurement, MOU’s / Exchanges of Letters
  • Fixed asset inventories
  • Transport
  • Assist with calls for proposal
  • Conduct preliminary screening
  • Due diligence of shortlisted projects
  • Document approval process and funding decisions
  • Prepare contribution agreements
  • Monitoring
  • Liaison with relevant officers
  • Coordinate monitoring, evaluation and audits
  • Managing responsive funds
  • Other project related support as required

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